Thursday 21 April 2011

The Land

The Land

    Gujarat can be divided into three parts, Kutch being one of them. Kutch lies rather isolated from the rest of Gujarat and is divided into two main parts, being Little Rann and Big Rann. The two names are derived from the river Rann that floods large parts of the area during the monsoon.

    The good thing about this is that it attracts a lot of special waterbirds. The great and Little Rann of Kutch are the breeding ground of Flamingo, Pelican & Avocet and the home of the rare Indian wild Ass which is now a protected species.
Important Locations:

Bhuj: The picturesque town of Bhuj has a dramatic setting. Located rather low, it is basically an amphitheatre of hills dominated by the Bhuja Hill that rises to a height of 160 m at one end and is in itself a landmark being flat on top and surmounted by the fortifications of a hill fort. This strategically located fort obviously served the purpose of sighting enemies and alerting defense and an old wall surrounds the city which was also made for security reasons

Kandla: Kandala a major seaport of the country with its single point-mooring facilities, happens to be the only free trade zone of India.

Banni/Khavda: Desertlands of infinite dimensions, and in its midst, quaint little villages suspended in Time. Here you will come across master craft persons expositioning their traditional art, turning our master pieces everyday. Their ornaments, clothes, utensils, everything they use - will make you feel as if you have stepped into lifestyle museum.

Lakhapur: Visit to Lakhpat is an trip into history. In this ancient port-city, time has been standing still for ages. It is today deserted, desolate, uninhabited, and invokes powerful nostalgia and soulful affection. Among the ruins stand the Gurudwara (holy shrine of the Sikh religion), the 200 year old, gigantic tomb of Ghosh Mohammed Caba, and many other places with ancient stories to tell.


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